Pavilion of Glass Klatovy—PASK

Martin Kožnar, Jiří Bíza / Atelier25 /

Built in the late 1950’s during Action Z for the purpose of a gillyflowers exhibition, the small structure in the garden of the Dr. Hostaš National Museum in Klatovy has served as a depository and workshop for many years. A subtle transformation into a modern exhibition pavilion is based on cleaning the added historical layers and walling-in the original openings, including the central entrance, which accentuates pure form of the U-shaped structure. In both gables new openings have been made; the asymmetrically placed entrance lets the exhibition flow undisturbed through the pavilion space, a large window in the opposite gable offers a generous view of the garden. The third intervention is to knock a large round skylight in the middle of the pavilion that provides dispersed top lighting. The chosen geometric concept is completed and developed by an organically shaped garden with islands of grass and seats.

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Projekt se v roce 2024 uskutečňuje za finanční podpory: Ministerstva kultury ČR, Nadace české architektury, Statutárního města Brna a Státního fondu kultury ČR.
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