ERA21 #02/2015 Together

kniha editorial


Marcela Steinbachová

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A1 House in Prague-Hloubětín. The Architect’s Own House As a Confession »

Lenka Křemenová, David Maštálka / A1Architects /

A stone house in a settlement called v Chaloupkách from the early 1900’s was built on a typical rectangular plan with a central axis and two rooms. Carried out as a diploma project along with a project of a tea house in the garden, the conversion preserves the house’s original character. The new volume comes through the center of the old house and literally hammers light into it. A cross connection of two houses, similar in shape but completely different in materials, creates a harmonically contrastive whole that is enhanced by the spatial arrangement concept and many details pervading the whole house as small surprises.

» entire article

Together. Community Living in Rumlepotten, Denmark »

Isabella De Maddalena

The model of community living was established in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s in Denmark where there is approximately one percent of the population living in projects of this type today. It is intentionally-built neighborhood community that accentuates deeper-experienced interpersonal relationships and at the same time maintains and supports personal independence. The Rumlepotten community, located to the south of Aarhus and finished in 1985, consists of thirty-two housing units adjoining a common glassed corridor that becomes a place for meeting. The photographs were taken on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of its foundation.


At Home With Strangers »

Karolína Vránková

Modernism assigned one dwelling to each basic family—the ideal home with mum, dad, and their children was in one apartment. But now something is changing. In “the new type of households” an apartment can be shared by people without family relations who just want to live together. A “Staged neighborhood” means that a family chooses its neighbors to socialize with, work in the garden, and include them in one way or another into what is home to them. In a late-modernist metropolis people don’t want to be alone at home anymore.


Real Participation? Architecture Is Way Too Important to Be Left Just to Architects »

Lenka Kužvartová

The primarily pointed out advantages of common participative building are the lower price and higher quality of housing than in developers’ projects, and the chance to affect the form of future homes since the project phase. Moreover, the title SELFMADE CITY of a book edited by curator and architecture critic Kristien Ring and presented on the occasion of the Prague-based exhibition of the Berlin Baugruppe, indicates the hope of having the chance to affect the image of the city we are living in. But to the majority of the inhabitants of the Czech cities, that can seem like something hardly achievable on a wider scale within the context of tangled interests that collide inside the cities.


Housing Norms Vs Real Needs. Bottom-up Co-housing for Sustainable and Resilient Housing Future in Eastern Europe »

Bence Komlósi, Zsófia Glatz

Norms Generalise. Norms refer to what is common. Norms represent us. But all of us? Norms are created by us. Written norms are enforced. Non-written norms are followed. But by everybody? Norms reflect our needs. But what about our specific needs? Does the person next to you have the same needs? Maybe. But possibly not.


How It Works. Community Housing. Through Processes to Living Realization »

Lenka Kočí

A substantial aspect of community housing is a certain form of sharing, be it shared space, material things, or non-material elements. The most important source of ideas are people and yet the influence of the human factor on the realization of ideas is often neglected. The support of relational and social background needs to be approached consciously with the knowledge of psychological processes and methods of inner work.

starting point

Berlin: Berliner Baugruppen and Their Self-made Qualities »

Kristien Ring

The housing markets of major cities are determined today mainly by profit-driven developments. New alternatives, however, have been tested that offer the increase of choice and the eduction of costs at the same time—projects that are helping to foster neighborhoods and to enable affordable, adaptable, customized living solutions, that also produce an expemplary architectural quality and diversity. More than 300 Baugruppe projects have been realised in Berlin over the last ten years, Baugruppe meaning a participative form of developing a multi-unit building, based on the individual initiative of the future users (clients) and architects.

completed project

Spreefeld Berlin Coop Housing »

fatkoehl architekten, BARarchitekten, Silvia Carpaneto architekten

A jointly-developed and administered project in the vicinity of the city center harnesses its location’s unique potential to create a socially just, economically stable and environmentally responsible urban building block. Three buildings, made by different architects in united design, open to the river and the neighbors and form a pulsing urban element. The individual and communal terraces that offer a compensation for the loss of open spaces to the public, have become a distinguishing feature of the whole complex.


How Would You Like to Live? Verena von Beckerath Interviewed by Karolína Vránková »

Verena von Beckerath and architect Tim Heide run a small office near Kurfürstendamm, one of the main boulevards of former West Berlin. They have worked for public institutions, developers and small investors. They have won the greatest appreciation by working for groups of builders called Baugruppen. Their newest apartment house R50-cohousing (ifau und Jesko Fezer | HEIDE & VON BECKERATH), that was designed for a community of twelve families, has won many German awards and was shortlisted amongst forty finalists of this year’s European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture—Mies van der Rohe Award 2015.

starting point

Zurich: Cooperative Residential Projects in Switzerland »

Rebecca Omoregie / Wohnbaugenossenschaften Schweiz /

Cooperative housing in Switzerland has a long tradition; general interest in it reoccurred at the beginning of the 1990’s in relation to demographic changes. Compared to the CR, the cooperatives are economically very active, both in the real estate field and on the financial market, while sticking to their non-profit principles. The rules for their operation help hinder social stratification and their support is an active tool of urban development. It is usual for the cooperatives to work together on large scale projects.

completed project

Multifunctional Object Kalkbreite in Zurich »

Pascal Müller, Samuel Thoma / Müller Sigrist Architekten /

A group of local residents and experts came up with a vision of a sustainable and exemplary extension of the tram depot Kalkbreite in 2006 under the motto “Kalkbreite—New Part of the City”. The group has become a respected building cooperative that has taken over the lot and remolded the vision into a project transforming difficult initial conditions into socially, environmentally, and economically innovative urban space. Thanks to its location, size, and innovative mix of programs, the new building the size of a city block has become a lively center connecting two urban neighborhoods. The three lower floors create a lively urban parterre, above the depot’s roof level transformed into a public park and the object is formed as a community residential house.


Zurich Mosaic »

Zurich stands out with its share of non-profit developers, especially cooperatives, in residential construction, even within the scope of Switzerland. Many of them have worked their way up to be skilled players on the field of sustainable urban development and they regularly supplement their city with new inspiring projects.

starting point

Vienna: Community Residential Projects in Austria: Lots and Financing »

Robert Temel / Gemeinsam Bauen Wohnen /

Austria, especially Vienna, has a long continuous tradition of social housing development that leans on a wide range of activities of the “third sector”, mainly those of public-benefit building corporations (cooperatives, joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, corporations, foundations). But even this effective (and in many aspects exemplary) mechanism has its weak points - it is difficult to perfectly join functioning rules for individual participants with methods not yet established. Maybe the orientation of community development and housing in Central Europe is currently being set up.

completed project

Apartment House Wohnprojekt Vienna »

Katharina Bayer, Markus Zilker, Markus Pendlmayr / einszueins architektur /

The building is a part of conversion of the former North Station (Nordbahnhofgelände) into a residential district located near the city center. Its creation was initiated by a self‑organized community and a shared dream about collective living in a city in a sustainable, social, and open way. The basic principle controlling planning, construction, and operation is the participation, including among other things, the design of shared spaces and individual housing units, a joint ownership of the building, a common garden, or car sharing.


Economic Comfort. Heinz Feldman Interviewed by Marek Kuchta »

Heinz Feldman was one of the initiators of Wohnprojekt Wien. With this project he went through forming its concept, providing finances and construction up to its opening. Today he is living in the building and passes his experiences on to other people interested in community housing. It's about the desire for a helpful community, about the need for experts, about the control of desicision-making processes, about inexperienced banks, about unreadiness of local governments, about the difficult presumption of future requirements, as well as about the growing demand and promising future?


Participation As Alternative. Coop Coteau at Ivry-sur-Seine »

Alain Costes, Richard Dethyre, Elodie Bortoli / Atelier 15 /

Civic initiatives demanding the creation of legislative framework allowing the construction of alternative housing models have been emerging for more than five years in France. New participants build mainly on participative approaches that will contribute to the better affordability of housing in a wider social environment and at the same time they are bringing up many innovations, both social and urban, and environmental or technical. One of the pilot projects, currently in construction, is the residential complex Coop Coteau on the southern outskirts of Paris based on the model of Civil Cooperative Construction Society (Société Civile Coopérative de Construction – SCCC).


Apartment Houses Labyrint in Hostivice near Prague »

Ivo Slamják, Peter Leszay, Roman Koranda, Alena Korandová

In the late 1990’s, two apartment houses containing 63 residential units in total were built in Školská Street in Hostivice. Being an unusual project at that time, it was initiated by former students and college friends who achieved, thanks to their efforts, helpfulness of the city, and a subsidy from the Czech Ministry for Regional Development, surprisingly low investment costs and created starting homes with a story.


The Other Home? »

The collective “bottom-up” building has been discussed in the Czech Republic for many years now, there are groups of enthusiasts as well as organizations managed by professionally proficient activists. Yet we still cannot speak about an established movement; successfully realized projects are rather exceptional. Which circumstances line the Czech way towards non-profit collective building?


ProLuka. Gallery Under the Open Sky of Vršovice »

Čtyři dny + Start Vršovice

In an easily-visible and accessible area on the site of a demolished block in Moskevská Street in Prague-Vršovice, there s an intersection of pedestrian trails and a natural local center, a gateway to the residential district. An impressive, almost wild area, with an architectural background of the surrounding housing blocks, was therefore used as a gallery space and a place for social interaction. ProLuka has become an open-air gallery that mediates natural contact with contemporary art for the public, it presents a diverse range of artistic approaches in a local context and offers an opportunity for the residents to newly experience their neighborhood.



Design Echoes of the ISH 2015 International Trade Fair »

Marek Kuchta

The trade fair presenting the newest trends in design and technical equipment of bathrooms, and the current aims of technical equipment of houses and adjustments of interior environment took place in Frankfurt am Main this March. Besides traditional sections and forums, it brought about a new feature–partner country, which was represented by Poland.


Biodynamic Lighting »

Antonín Fuksa

The attribute consisting of the Greek words βίος (bios: life, liveliness) and δύναµις (dynamis: strength, potential, variability) is used not only for artificial light that imitates the daylight with its variability, but also for the effect of exterior elements on live organisms (related to biomechanics) or a form of farming according to Rudolf Steiner (related to environmental friendly farming) or for example signals from outer space that would be evidence of the presence of life.


Where Does the Development of Windows for Energy Efficient Construction Aim? »

Juraj Hazucha

Windows are the fundaments of energy-efficient construction that is based on the effective use of solar gains. The first windows with triple glass and an insulated frame were developed 25 years ago for the first passive house in Darmstadt, Germany. What has changed since in the design of windows? What are the trends and innovations in the passive windows segment?


Construction and Safe Use of Playgrounds »

Zdeňka Houžvičková

The arrival of spring brings playgrounds back to life that for one thing, have an indisputable practical use; for the development of the motor as well as the sensory activities of children of different ages, spending most of their free time there, and for another, to introduce architectural and landscape elements to public spaces. In designing a safe playground according to the requirements of technical regulations (ČSN EN 1176 and ČSN EN 1177), choosing the right location, greenery, and, last but not least, finding a design that corresponds with the surroundings, one needs a deep knowledge of this issue.

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