20. 10. 2021
Leisure Landscapes Ivan Gogolák, Lukáš Grasse

The concepts of the inhabited landscape, popularized in the first half of the 20th century, or the recreational landscape in the second, are no longer sufficient for describing and understanding suburban recreation today. Nor are suburban parks, green rings or wedges. How can we understand human interventions in the landscape today? Which parts of the landscape are more valuable than others? Environmental challenges, agricultural production, ecosystem services and diversity, all need to be considered in relation to our expectations of time spent in nature....

» entire article
27. 09. 2021
A Levitating Pavilion. Extension of The Research Library of South Bohemia in České Budějovice Ladislav Kuba, Tomáš Pilař / Kuba & Pilař architekti

The existing building of The Research Library of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, formerly the Museum of the Workers’ Revolutionary Movement, was built in the 1970s. The time period is reflected in its sculptural form and brutalist style. The building is broken up into several volumes, meaning the resulting layout isn’t very well suited for a public library program with a free flowing collection space. On the other hand, the design of the extension forms a simple horizontal pavilion, floating just a few feet above ground, completely glazed and offering views to the surrounding park. A low, compact volume perfectly fits the program requirements, which called for more collection space, a flexible layout, and wheelchair accessible entrance lobby. The wide, paved access ramp connects the library directly to Lidická street. Inside, a second glazed ramp joins the old building and the extension together. Two art installations, the Battle of Zboriv memorial and the boulder stone from Novohradské hory are located near a sidewalk on the side of the building, leading through a park towards the riverbank.

» entire article
14. 09. 2021
Development and Public Interest. Editorial ERA21 #04/2021 David Neuhäusl

A developer is generally not a very popular figure in the Czech Republic—on the contrary. Few professions have such a bad reputation. But development is fundamentally a neutral real estate investment process, regardless of the scale, where the objective is to increase the value of land and the result is—development. Unless we decide to give up further expansion and evolution of our built environment altogether, or until we are forced to do so, development is inevitable. Ultimately, the ability of society as a whole to reach consensus, and agree on the values that should be created through development, is the only thing that matters.

» entire article
04. 08. 2021
Memoirs of Architectural Dys-ease Irena Hradecká

The question of “why” is present in every step or the architectural design process. But finding a coherent line of argumentation becomes especially complicated when designing hospitals or in fact any kind of healthcare facility. This process often leads to different, yet still valid answers, which nevertheless seem mutually exclusive. Even with contemporary healthcare architecture, there are certain lessons to learn from history.

» entire article
01. 07. 2021
Nation Unto Itself. Small Architecture With a Big Story Michaela Hečková

Small interventions, big results. Tiny architecture does not mean tiny effort. On the contrary, it often hides heart‑breaking stories, years of relentless activity by local initiatives, or incremental catharses. A bus stop shelter can be a window to a village’s soul, a footbridge can improve access to a water fountain on a spa’s walking trail. A tiny belfry can protect a whole mountain range from destruction by coal mining. A lookout can be just six meters tall. A family shrine can pay homage to a builder’s grandfather and also offer a tranquil resting place for cyclists and walkers coming from afar.

» entire article

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