01. 10. 2018
Public Space and Forms of (Post)modernism. Comments on the Remodelling of Public Spaces in Brno Martina Sedláková

Artwork can increase the aesthetic quality and utility of a public space. The intervention should support the public character of the urban environment both in a spatial sense and in the sense of subjectively perceived qualities. In modernism, art gained an autonomous status. But complete autonomy and artistic freedom might be harmful for the urban environment. When realizing art in public space, political representation, the authors’ personal sensitivity, and the cooperation with the architect, who should oversee the quality of the adaptation, all play an important role.

» entire article
11. 09. 2018
Rozvaha o vážnosti cen

V České republice každoročně probíhájí dvě přehlídky architektury: Česká cena za architekturu, pořádaná komorou, a Grand Prix architektů – Národní cena za architekturu. Obě dvě vrcholí na podzim. Jaký na to má názor Rostislav Koryčánek, historik architektury, kurátor a bývalý šéfredaktor ERA21?

» entire article
03. 09. 2018
Cities of Transport, Transport of Cities Ivan Gogolák, Lukáš Grasse, Kateřina Čechová

Transport and its solutions inside the urban fabric are topics that keep coming back to architects like boomerangs. Systems of traffic layers, buildings for transport, the solution to car dominance, differences in street profiles, support of public transport, the near or distant future of driverless vehicles, these are some of the themes resonating through public space on a regular basis. What more can we say?

» entire article
20. 08. 2018
CAMP. We Seek the Greatest Possible Openness

CAMP is an acronym for the new Centre for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning within the Prague Institute of Planning and Development (IPR). Its main mission is to improve the current form of public debate on urbanism and architecture of Prague’s metropolitan area. We talked about the center’s purpose and program with four of its participants: the former and the current director of IPR and the two co-authors of the general concept.

» entire article
30. 06. 2018
Use Value, Image Value: The New Nantes School of Architecture Valéry Didelon

We present the first Czech translation of Valéry Didelon’s text from the French magazine Criticat. We have selected it as an example of a thorough independent critique, although it’s not the only possible way to write a critical review. The author’s experience with the criticized building is primarily first-hand in this case because he taught at ENSA Nantes for three years. This building is one of the principal realizations by Lacaton & Vassal and it received a largely positive reception in the regular architectural press.

» entire article

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