V září loňského roku otevřela společnost Renson, belgický výrobce vzduchotechniky, stínění a venkovních pergol, svůj Concept Home u města Waregem. Jedná se o testovací centrum, kde bude možné v reálném prostředí zkoušet a porovnávat jednotlivé produkty i celá řešení. Praktická data budou shromažďována v neobydleném stavu i poté, co se do objektu nastěhují uživatelé.
» entire articleFor a joint debate we invited the representatives of the three generations established in the three decades after 1990. The oldest generation was represented by Michal Kohout who finished his architectural studies before 1989, but founded his studio in the 1990s. The middle generation was represented by Roman Brychta who established his office, Projektil, after 2000. The youngest generation, launching their careers after 2010, was represented by Markéta Mráčková and Ondřej Chybík who personify two different approaches to architecture, a result of the possibilities the profession offers today.
» entire articleRodinný dům v Belgii čekala nejenom přestavba, ale také rozšíření. Noví obyvatelé se rozhodli kompletně rekonstruovat dům po svých rodičích a přistavět nové kancelářské prostory. Nechtěli však zcela ztratit původní tradiční vzhled vesnického domu a podařilo se jim najít střední cestu mezi minimalismem a autenticitou.
» entire articleThree years ago, when we published ERA21 #02/2016 – Building in a City, I started my editorial by quoting Ivan Koleček saying that when he comes to a city and sees cranes, it’s a sign that there’s a demand for architects. I will use his words again, if I may. Ivan Koleček had taught at Brno Faculty of Architecture for many years and he still organizes workshops for his former students. He always says that working with young people fills him with energy, but the exchange is mutual, of course.
The Sudetenland, covering one third of the area of the Czech Republic, is still invisible for many. The setting for many fundamental moments of our history, and yet it’s forgotten in a way. Sudetenland is often understood as just a border territory along the northern borders, but in fact it lines almost the entire country and even stretches further inland. During the 1950s, the last remnants of the original settlements were irretrievably destroyed. What remains now? What places can still tell us something about our past?
» entire articleERA21 vydává ERA Média, s. r. o. |
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