26. 10. 2018
Dětské centrum Staré Brno – reakce zastupitele Brna-střed Petra Bořeckého

V reakci na uveřejnění otevřeného dopisu podepsaného ateliérem Vizage s.r.o. ve věci soutěže na „Dětské sportovně-kulturní centrum Staré Brno“ nám do redakce dorazila reakce Ing. arch. Petra Bořeckého, zastupitele Brna-střed a člena Rady městské části Brno-střed pro výstavbu a územní rozvoj. Plné znění dopisu nyní zveřejňujeme.

» entire article
24. 10. 2018
Can Architecture Kill? About Morality, Professional Ethics, and Human Rights. Michael Kimmelman Interviewed by Jan Kristek

The petition demanding that the American Institute of Architects (AIA) forbids design of spaces for “killing, torture, or brutal, inhumane and humiliating treatment” – specifically death chambers and solitary confinements employed in US prisons – has triggered a groundswell of controversies. AIA refused to change its ethical code at the end of 2014, arguing that it’s not meant to “create limitations of members’ activities according to specific building types”. The discussion still goes on: AIA has been considering the reassessment of its attitude since February.

» entire article
23. 10. 2018
A Symbiosis of Many Worlds. Mixed-use Building DRN in Prague Stanislav Fiala / Fiala + Nemec

DRN is a new mixed-use building erected on the prominent corner of Národní and Mikulandská streets in the centre of Prague. There'd previously been a parking lot on the site, since 1966. It is adjoined by the baroque Schönkirch Palace. By combining the Palace with a new contemporary building, a mixed-use “palace” with a courtyard, shops, restaurants and offices was created. The intermingling of the baroque world with the modern, the old with the new; those are the main motifs that permeate the project and can be found in the main structural elements as well as small parts of the interior.

» entire article
18. 10. 2018
Let’s Build the State Jan Antonín Baťa

Surely there are nations in the World that would like Czechoslovakia to continue to lead such a passive life in terms of economy. Surely many people would still like us to use the same methods, to take care of small things and postpone big ones. Surely someone would benefit from it if we were scared to take responsibility, if we’d rather mend unemployment with pittance, if we’d patch leaky laws with laws equally leaky...

» entire article
16. 10. 2018
Climathlon Brno 2018

Climathon is a global 24-hour climate change hackathon which will take place simultaneously in major cities around the world on 26 October 2018. This year participants will be challenged with topics related to the problem and innovations in the city. Brno is preparing for its future right now and challenging its citizens to help to solve these problems. The first topic is related to climate change and the problem the city will face in the future, and the second topic is related to the space technologies used to monitor climate change.

» entire article

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